Liverpool Bloggers Ignite Event

Hello Lovelies!

A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of going along to a wonderful bloggers event held in Liverpool that was organised by the lovely Ruth of

I wanted to go along in an effort to get myself enthusiastic about blogging again, give myself a bit of a kick up the backside to actually start working on posts, improve the look of the blog, pick up some tips and meet up with some local bloggers.

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Moving and getting my motivation mojo back!

Hello Lovelies!

The only way to do great work is to love what you do

Steve Jobs

I’ve not posted in a long time as my attention has been diverted elsewhere due to my lengthy search for an apartment, the buying up of Ikea and finally the moving in! I just haven’t had the motivation to produce anything good to post and so simply decided not to for a wee while.

Finding an apartment in our new desert domain proved a little more difficult than expected, I consider the rents to be very high for what you get here.  I had a budget that I was adamant I didn’t want to exceed despite the numerous agents telling me that what I wanted didn’t exist.  I lost count of the amount of places I went to see, there was always something just not quite right about them. Too small, too dark, strange layouts, wrong location, bad smells and poor finishing are just some of the issues I had to contend with.

I was about to give up hope of finding anything or at least give in to increasing our budget and accepting a location we didn’t want, when I had a brainwave to simply stop by a building that I liked the look of and ask about availability.  Now I am one of those people who believes that things happen for a reason and the very fact that I did this on the day I was about to throw the towel in is a classic example, because, lo and behold there was only a flat sitting empty waiting for us to scribble our names on the tenancy agreement! I got straight on the blower to the agent (who incidentally, we still had to pay commission to, despite me having done all the leg work! Grrr!)

So we finally have a place to call home for a while and whilst it’s not perfect (I gave up on finding anything that ticked all the boxes a while back) it is light, spacious and airy.  I have fallen in love with it, it’s a calm and peaceful haven above the hurly burly of the traffic below.  Now that the dust from the move has resettled all over my new furniture I finally feel that my blogging motivation mojo is back!  This will in no doubt be helped along by my lovely new desk that I have positioned in front of my bedroom window, giving me an amazing view of the city skyline and lot’s of natural light as I type!

I do love writing for my blog, it’s just that sometimes there are more pressing matters to be dealt with.  It’s important to me to write the best way I can and not just bang out posts willy nilly, I like to put a bit of heart into it.  I think it’s perfectly fine to take a blogging hiatus from time to time, reenergize, refocus and deal with the other things going on in your life.  It’s with renewed enthusiasm that I write this post and I hope many more to come.

Any thoughts?

Peace and Love

Ginger and Cream XOXO
